Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Tourist

I saw The Tourist last night. I suppose I watched it to see Venice. It was so different than what I imagined, and as I tried to take it in I couldn't make it hang together in my mind.

I suppose that movie was meant to star Cary Grant and Grace Kelly, and only if it did could it make sense - or seem to make sense. I can't think of an actress with the right kind of haughty froideur - oh, Joan Crawford, perhaps.

There were several ways in which the film was different from what I expected. One was the music. I think it was meant to be very old-fashioned movie music, that would tug on your heart strings and chill you with suspense and it didn't work. I really didn't like it and found it deeply disappointing. I think I started with a stereotypical thought like, "This is just what's wrong with movies today," and came to think that, while the original precis for the music may have made sense, it undercut the meaning of the film instead of supplying it.

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