Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Can't Drink All Day If You Don't Start in the Morning by Celia Rivenbark

I fell in love with this title, as I often do when I'm inspired to read a new author. Celia Rivenbark is a humorist; she lives in North Carolina and her weekly column is syndicated by McClatchy-Tribune Media Services.

She's a "kinder and gentler" Chelsea Handler, with a calmer but equally irreverent view of the world. She has feel for the absurd, and she's not afraid to be a little bit vulgar if it'll make us laugh. She certainly knows a lot more about celebrities than I do. (I like to think that she keeps up with celebrities so that, after all, I don't have to.)

She's funny and she has a feeling and fondness for the Southern eccentric.

Some of the titles of the book's chapters might give you a feel for Celia's work:

"Poseable Jesus Meets Poser Ken"

"Gwyneth Paltrow wants to Improve Your Pathetic Life"

"Clay Aiken Ain't Marrying Your Glandular Daughter"

"Sex Every Night For a Year? How Do You Wrap That?" (One woman's optimistic gift to her husband.)

The book includes recipes: the last chapter's recipe is "Better-than-Sex-365-Nights Cake" which certainly sounds impressive (it involves pineapple, pecans, bananas, vanilla, flour and cinnamon).

Humor is important and I think I don't pay enough attention to it, so I'm glad that this book is here! 

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