Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What I've read recently

I read Martin Cruz Smith's somewhat surprising Girl from Venice, a World War II story set in the Venice lagoon. I think of Smith as a Follett-like thriller writer but the Girl from Venice is enchantingly lyrical, meticulously researched, romantic in the best sense, and an easy read. I thought it was beautifully written, and the information conveyed about fishing and the Venice lagoon's ecosystem made me think of Randy Wayne White and Melville.

I just read Deadline by John Sandford.  I found it a very funny book, about people who appreciate camo, guns, and dogs, sometimes all at the same time and not necessarily in that order.  There's a lot of blue language in the book which makes it a little bit harder for me to recommend, knowing that many of the readers who might enjoy this book would be bothered by that.

Loved reading 101 Things About Jane Austen:  I knew a lot about Austen, but was interested to learn more details about her family, their literary interests and especially about her mother's talent for versifying.

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