Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Woman Chased by Crows by Marc Strange

Picked up this entertaining mystery as a used book sale in a library. Sadly, I learned after I finished it that the author, Canadian Marc Strange, a former actor, screenwriter and director, known for Beachcombers, died in May 2012.

He was the author of two mystery series, the Orwell Brennan series, and the Joe Grundy series.

Woman Chased by Crows is the second in the Orwell Brennan series. set in small-town Ontario. What I liked best about this police procedural was the presence of several strong female characters. Brennan has three daughters, and the upcoming nuptials of one is one element of the plot.

Detective Adele Moen ("Del") from Metro Homicide is just as cool as you would expect someone named after a beer to be, and her temporary partner is local Detective Stacy Crean ("rhymes with brain") who together are the two women assigned to a string of mysterious murders that afflict small Ontario town Dockerty. They're both really good detectives, and they're attracted to very interesting cases.

Another thing I really liked about this book is the author's evident interest in ballet. Ballet dancers, and their travels across the globe, are at the heart of this mystery.

At the heart of the mystery is a teacher and former almost-prima-ballerina, Anya Daniel. She's a survivor, but that's not what's most interesting about her, nor her former career as a dancer. It's her raw determination. (After you recover from your sense of shock, you might feel some admiration for her - and the two detectives who save her life.) If you're interested in this novel, you might want to read the first book in the series, Follow Me Down, first.

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