Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cold Comfort Farm (1996)

This 1995 movie has a wonderful cast and is very funny. In fact, 71% of those who rated it on gave it five stars; Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 83% rating. My favorite scene is when Seth, the movie-mad farm laborer played by Rufus Sewell, agrees that he would very much like to be a star of the silver screen. I'm still laughing about it.

Kate Beckinsale plays a young woman, Flora Poste, who has recently been orphaned; having learned that she has only 100 pounds a year to live on, and having a desire to become a writer, she thinks she will try bunking in with whichever interesting relative will agree to host her. Judith Starkadder (Eileen Atkins) writes her a cryptic letter in which she refers to some wrong done Flora's father in the past, and which also contains a reference to Flora's "rights," without any further explanation. As decidedly rural as Judith's home, Cold Comfort Farm must be, Flora thinks that these mysterious references hold out the greatest promise of a grand adventure, and accepts her cousin's invitation. As she tells her confidante, Mrs. Smiley, she's quite sure she will encounter some cousins that will be named Reuben and Seth; sure enough, her cousins are named Reuben and Seth.

With a cast that includes Ian McKellen as a fire and brimstone preacher, this comic send-up of novels about women coming-of-age is very amusing.

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