Thursday, December 29, 2016

What I'm reading now

I am slowly reading Underground Railroad, by Whitehead Colson, and also reading Jane's Fame by Claire Herman.

Perhaps the most interesting chapter of Herman's book is the one entitled, Divine Jane, which chronicles the rising popularity of Austen (only among some: I think I recall reading that John Irving never read Austen).

Herman talks about Austen's reputation as a miniaturist and I'd like to reread that again. I think Austen valued that subject and I think "miniatures" were a popular thing in the 18th and early 19th century. Today I think many think Austen too romantic and possibly too trivial. I don't agree with that assessment and I want to read Herman's book again with an eye toward collecting evidence to support my point of view.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What I've read recently

I read Martin Cruz Smith's somewhat surprising Girl from Venice, a World War II story set in the Venice lagoon. I think of Smith as a Follett-like thriller writer but the Girl from Venice is enchantingly lyrical, meticulously researched, romantic in the best sense, and an easy read. I thought it was beautifully written, and the information conveyed about fishing and the Venice lagoon's ecosystem made me think of Randy Wayne White and Melville.

I just read Deadline by John Sandford.  I found it a very funny book, about people who appreciate camo, guns, and dogs, sometimes all at the same time and not necessarily in that order.  There's a lot of blue language in the book which makes it a little bit harder for me to recommend, knowing that many of the readers who might enjoy this book would be bothered by that.

Loved reading 101 Things About Jane Austen:  I knew a lot about Austen, but was interested to learn more details about her family, their literary interests and especially about her mother's talent for versifying.