Friday, June 17, 2016

Life After Life by Jill McCorkle

I've struggled to figure out what to say about this novel.  It's interesting to me because it is about old age and "end of life" issues.  That's not a super popular topic for novels.

I enjoyed the novel because I found that Jill McCorkle used details and voices for her characters that made them seem authentic and alive to me.  I liked her writing style.

Finally, I greatly admired the fact that McCorkle portrayed real drama in the lives of nursing home residents and showed that in this stage of life the inner life continues to be passionate and interesting.

There is a murder in this novel, but this novel is not a mystery and the murder is not solved.  To me, the brutality and tragedy of this murder seemed like an alarming departure in tone from the rest of the novel.

I read this book with a book group and some (not all) were offended by its portrait of aging.

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