Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Revenant/The Hateful Eight

It surprises me that two Western movies were nominated for Academy Awards this year.

I loved the cinematography of The Hateful Eight; it made a great impression on me and is a large part of why I enjoyed the film.  I think the acting was wonderful, too.

The Revenant was also very beautifully photographed, and the locations in which it was shot were spectacular.

Both films were terrifically entertaining, perfect summer movies.  The Revenant was based on a true story, but after reading a few articles on the Internet, I concluced that the only overlap between the movie and reality is that fur trapper Hugh Glass really was horribly mauled by a grizzly and really did survive, was abandoned by his companions, and subsequently recovered enough to walk into camp 80 miles away.

I wonder if, in our age of anxiety, it is more comforting to look backward than to look forward.

The dictionary definition of revenant, by the way, is one who returns from the dead or long absence.

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