Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tricky Twenty-Two by Janet Evanovich

What a great read!  It's easy, fast and engaging.

Stephanie Plum is a bounty hunter who works for her cousin Vinnie, a bond bailsman.  Bonds bailsmen finance the bonds that that people are who are charged with crimes have to pay in order to guarantee that they will return for their court date.  When those with bail bonds fail to show for their court date, it's Stephanie's job to pick them up and take them back to jail.

Stephanie has problems.  She's not really cut out to be a bounty hunter:  she owns a gun, but she doesn't have any bullets.

She has two men who are interested in her:  Ranger, the "super-hot" head of a local private security firm, and Joseph Morelli, a sweet, mild-mannered man whom she loves .. but who has just broken up with her.

She's charged with finding a college student whose nickname is "Gobbles."  He's charged with striking the dean of students at a local college.  Stephanie works hard on this case, but each time she visits campus the mystery of just what it is that Gobbles is mixed up in deepens and something bad happens.  On one visit, Gobbles' fraternity brothers do something very, very bad to her car.  On another occasion, there is a big explosion and fire.

Stephanie says of her trusty sidekick, Lula:

"Lula was originally a respectable 'ho.  A couple of years ago she'd decided to relinquish her corner to take a job as a file clerk for the bonds office.  Since almost all the files are digital these days, Lula mostly works as my wheelman.  She's four inches too short for her weight, her clothes are three sizes too small for her generously proportioned body, and her hair color changes weekly, her skin is a robust dark chocolate.

"I feel invisible when I stand next to Lula, because no one notices me.  I inherited a lot of unruly curly brown hair from the Italian side of my family, and I have a cute nose that my grandma says is a gift from God.  My blue eyes and pale skin are the results of my mother's Hungarian heritage.  Not sure where my 34B boobs come from, but I'm happy with them, and I think they look okay with the rest of me."

And Stephanie has family:

"My mother and Grandma Mazur were in the kitchen eating lunch when I walked in. Grandma Mazur came to live with my parents when Grandpa graduated from this life to the next.  My mother, being a good Catholic woman, accepted this living arrangement as her cross to bear and gets by with help from Jim Beam.  My father developed selective hearing and spends a lot of time at his lodge.  And now that we took his gun away we feel that it's safe to leave him alone with Grandma."

This is a great book for a trip (or as an audiobook for a car trip) or a doctor's appointment.

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