Sunday, June 15, 2014

Invisible Woman

I loved this film.  It's based on a book by Clare Tomalin on Charles Dickens (which I haven't read) of the same title.

It's about Dickens' love affair with an actress named Ellen Ternan.  In many ways, it's a quite interesting story.  I was surprised to learn about Dickens' affair because he seemed to me to be such an connoiseur of fine family feeling in his fiction that I imagined that sensibility would be a central part of his own family life.

As shown in the film, he was close friends with Wilkie Collins, who was also living with a woman outside of marriage.  What the film doesn't show is that Collins had two mistresses.

The reason I loved the film, however, was not the interesting biographical facts it contained.  It was the acting, which I thought was sublime.

Ralph Fiennes played Dickens; Felicity Jones played Ellen Ternan; Kirstin Scott Thomas played Ellen Ternan's mother, an actress of some distinction, and Tom Hollander played Collins.

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