Saturday, June 29, 2013

Newsroom and Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist

Earlier this week I saw Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.

I've heard folks say that the genre of romantic comedy is dead, because the relationships between men and women are no fraught that's it's hard to find humor.  I thought this romantic comedy was charming and I wonder if that fact that the couple is still in high school makes it easier to believe.  Of course, all the action in Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist takes place in 24 hours!

I saw Newsroom for the first time this week (the first season is out on DVD, and it stars Emily Mortimer and and I thought that the acting was fantastically good at times.  The premise, of course, is absurd.  But, it's a feel-good romp - another romantic comedy.  And the act of viewing a fictional universe where people talk about doing things well simply because they can is deeply wish fulfilling.  

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