Monday, September 5, 2011

Fast Food My Way by Jacques Pepin

I adore this book. It was published in 2004 and is a companion to the TV series of the same name.

My favorite recipe is the only one that I've made; I don't think I'm alone in enjoying browsing cookbooks while knowing there's little chance I'll ever make any of the recipes. This recipe is called, I think, "Smoked Salmon Timbales."

This recipe is for a starter, a "timbale," which I think here is used in the sense of being like a tartlet in size.

It calls for layers of thinly sliced salmon, goat cheese with chives, red onion and apple, with a dressing of diced cucumber and capers in olive oil. It is essentially very simple and its delight to me is the combination of favorite ingredients: salmon, red onion, goat cheese, apples, capers, and olive oil. Of course, I love it - and it's so easy to prepare that even I can do it. I am both astounded at how much I enjoy this combination of flavors and how this recipe seems to deliver what it promises.

On the one hand, I never have goat cheese or smoked salmon "on hand." (Nor do I even have cucumbers "on hand" as much as I love them.) These ingredients are expensive. But, it was so easy to make .. it was a perfect after work at 10 pm meal.

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