Friday, July 22, 2011

What I've been reading lately

I haven't quite succeeded in finishing Too Close to the Falls although I did sneak ahead and read, what was for me, a hair-raising final chapter.

When I start a new book before finishing an old one, there's a good chance I'll never get back to the old one. I'll say this: there are at least three wonderful chapters and a variety of things I find remarkable about this childhood.

I'm currently reading Delivering Happiness by the CEO of Zappos. It's a really fun read and I'm about halfway through having begun it yesterday.

I'm also just finishing up listening to SuperFreakonomics which was very entertaining. Before that, I listened to Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. I really enjoyed listening to that book, much more than any other audiobook.

Before that, I listened to a little of Daniel Pink's Drive, and I hope to get back to that soon.

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